
Cool Celebrity Magazines images

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Cool Celebrity Magazines images

A few nice celebrity magazines images I found:

Curves Magazine Featuring Sabine Mondestin celebrity magazines
Image by bleencash She drive me crazy!!! Oh that look!!!

The Celebrity Twitter Directory celebrity magazines
Image by edmittance Cool - more celebrity chasing. We love celebrities, yes we do. Oooh we love them. For they are shiney. And they have lots and lots of friends. And they are funny and clever. And the care about us, yes they do. And they are good role models. Yes they are. *sigh* I'm sorry, I just can't bear this rubbish. I'm a grumpy bugger and that's all there is to it. Or maybe I can just see something rotten for what it is.

Compare & Contrast: "People" & "Us" Magazines, The "Jake & Vienna From "The Bachelor" TV Series" Issue celebrity magazines
Image by JoeInSouthernCA One of my favorite undergraduate college courses was "Propaganda Survey & Analysis", a 300-level elective in the English Department. We used the term "propaganda" to describe any print or film/video medium (this was 1982, remember) designed to sway opinion & action, and deconstructed everything from Soviet-Era posters to ads for soda pop. It was both very enlightening, and *serious* fun. One of the more eye-opening exercises was comparing and contrasting two vehicles - magazines, for example - that had the same audience & market to see how differences emerge even there, if in a more subtle way. In the class we compared Time & Newsweek; here we see the latest issues of People & Us, spotted by me in the checkout line at Ralph's last night. See the exchange between Ken and me in the comments below. How would you describe the differences in the magazines' messages, and why? My alma mater of Iowa State University is well-known for scholarly work in the analysis of "non-literary" literature and media, as well as technical rhetoric/composition/communication. English Department website: engl.iastate.edu/
